Welcome to Capital City Yacht Club
Capital City Yacht Club has an extensive history dating back to early World War II when the club was organized as a civil defense unit. Over time the purpose and objectives of the Club have changed to meet the needs of its members and the community it serves. Today the Capital City Yacht Club is one of the premier yacht clubs on south Vancouver Island providing facilities and activities for its 300 active and social members
This officer’s cap was given to me in excellent condition. This cap is too big, 7 5/8. $25.00 or best offer. Also in search of a 7 3/8 cap. Please contact: Chris Stask inceptus@shaw.ca
WANTED Pre-owned Yamaha outboard motor, either 200, 225 or 250 hp. Hopefully in good condition in the 1000 hour range. (Picture is of my existing 225hp which has aged out.) Contact David Hall 250 216-2624 dhall@epgvictoria.com
Dickinson Spitfire BBQ with Cover – $130 Set up for connection to onboard propane (can be converted). Contact Jay Bull – jay123bull@gmail.com