Capital City Yacht Club


Capital City Yacht Club has a very active membership.  The club is run entirely by volunteers who donate their time in a variety of ways, which helps keep our club operating smoothly and looking good.  There is always a talent that can be put to good use with such a diverse club. So if you are interested in becoming a member, here are the criteria:

  • Shall be a person of at least nineteen years of age.
  • Must demonstrate ownership of at least one-half interest in a boat over 16 feet in length, power or sail.
  • Must reside on the lower portion of Vancouver Island, including the Saanich Peninsula and bounded on the north by Latitude 48°34.10 North.
  • Will require a sponsor and a seconder who is an Honorary Life or Active Member in good standing with CCYC. Your sponsor or seconder will provide you with the required application form and will need to present your application, in person, at a Directors meeting.
  • Current initiation fee for joining is $1,800.00 + GST of which a non-refundable deposit of $200.00 + GST would be submitted with your application form.
  • Once your application is accepted by the Directors you would be numbered sequentially on the official wait list for becoming a member. Current wait list to become a member is approximately 8 to 9 years.
  • When you become a member you will receive a membership package and your seniority for the moorage wait list begins.
  • In-basin moorage at the club is based on seniority days and available berth size, your seniority starts on the day you become a member. The current wait for moorage in the basin is approximately 5 to 12 years depending on the size of the vessel.


Capital City Yacht Club is located on the southeast side of Blue Heron Basin, on the west side of Tsehum Harbour, Sidney BC. There are 50 feet of wharfage at the visitor’s dock and extra moorage available during the summer when member slips are vacant.

Beware! There are sticks marking the channel to get to the yacht club. Depths are near 5 feet at low tide. (Note that this is not at zero tide, so depths may be even shallower!)


The club was originally organized as a civil defence unit. Early in World War II, small craft in this area, which could measure up to, certain specifications, were enrolled under the Transport Controller for use by civil or military authorities. In 1942, the organization was incorporated as “Vancouver Island Power Boat Squadrons” with the threefold purpose of:

  • Assisting in times of national or local emergency.
  • Fostering interest in the safe and efficient handling of small craft.
  • Promoting all matters of interest to small craft operators.

Membership at this stage totalled 350 vessels from 25 to 110 feet long, and the Squadrons undertook patrols in the R.A.F. Gulf Islands training area, blackout inspections for A.R.P., and training exercises with Army Reserve Forces.

When the war ended, a majority of the members voted to perpetuate the association and added to its objective the functions of a yacht club. A clubhouse was built at Canoe Cove under a lease arrangement and late in 1947 the Bylaws were altered and the name changed to “Capital City Yacht Club.” In October 1957, the club abandoned its situation at Canoe Cove. Much effort was put forth during 1958 in the search for and planning of a club-owned site which could be developed as a club headquarters with a clubhouse and mooring facilities. At the same time, negotiations with Clark Bros. were being held and an agreement was eventually reached late in 1958 to lease from Clark Bros. in Tsehum Harbour. A panabode-type building was purchased and erected by the personal efforts of the Club members on Clark Bros. property during the summer of 1959.

The Clubhouse gave the C.C.Y.C. members the feeling of owning and with this inspiration, a suitable property was located in Blue Heron Bay, just south of Tsehum Harbour. Negotiations for the purchase of some two acres were completed in May 1964. During the next few years, a foreshore lease was applied for and received. Plans to move the Clubhouse became a fact in the later part of 1966. The 1967 programme included the dredging of the entrance channel on a cost-sharing basis with the Government of Canada. When this project was completed the same company continued into Blue Heron Basin where a total of 36,149 cubic yards were extracted. All costs for this were paid for by the club. A pile-driving company was the next step and approximately 30 piles were driven in the bay. A great deal of praise and credit should be given to the members, the Ladies Auxiliary and the newly constituted junior members for the work parties, properly organized, in the building of the floats, wharves and the grounds surrounding the area. By April 1st, 1968, 825 ft. of mooring floats and docks were placed in the water ready for use by the membership.

Between 1968 and 1972 there were boatsheds moved into the newly formed moorage area. Twelve members worked diligently to design and build a covered moorage complex, which greatly enhanced the Basin area. The Ladies’ Auxiliary was working hard during this time planning and arranging the landscaping of the uplands area. The Ladies’ Auxiliary also paid for the paving of the parking area which was a very great asset for our Club.

The General Meeting in 1972 approved an overall plan for the development of the Club. This plan was divided into five separate phases and presented to North Saanich Council in April 1973, for their approval, which was granted. This first phase consisted of the extension of our present Clubhouse. Many meetings followed and then construction began with the members taking part by way of work parties. All the while the Clubhouse was being constructed, the plans for the dredging were being prepared and in June 1973, ten copies were sent to Ottawa and one to the Department of Fisheries for their approval. These approvals were granted in the latter part of June and July 1973.

This then allowed us to prepare tender documents and call tenders for the dredging and driving of piles for the wharves. Tenders were opened on September 6, 1973, with Greenlees Piledriving being the lowest tender received. The contract was awarded and work proceeded through the winter and following spring. By June 1974, the dredging was complete, piles driven and approximately 600 feet of wharf constructed. During this winter and spring, the Clubhouse was progressing very well and a final drive of work parties completed the job in time for our Sailpast in June 1974. A great deal of credit should go to the Properties Committee for their hard work and also to the Ladies for their donation of drapes, etc.

The next phase on the foreshore was the construction of the covered moorage. W. Campbell Ltd. was awarded the contract to design and build these structures. They were started in late August and completed in October 1974. The new units gave us an additional 46 covered berths and improved the overall appearance of the basin. Erosion along the Clubhouse and parking lot foreshore eventually necessitated a retaining wall. Some creosoted piles were donated to the club, and in 1980 a contract was made to drive them all along the bank. More support proved necessary and in 1982 a further contract installed cross ties and anchors. This has produced a solid and durable retaining wall which has been capped with a cement walkway. The finishing touch is given by aluminum guard rails to match the new aluminum ramp. In the same year, the grid was extended five feet through the dedicated efforts of some Club members. Further improvements are intended as the popular use of the gird continues.

In 1984 the Clubhouse was extended by 500 square feet and a new garage-style storage building was installed to the west of the parking area. B and C docks were rebuilt in 1984, 1985 and 1986. The year 1986 saw major renovations to the Clubhouse heads, a new rear entry and some renovations to the galley. The seawall was extended in 1987 from the gate west to the Cole property. This was necessary to stabilize the parking lot in that area and allow for future dredging in the adjacent channel.

An agreement was reached to purchase the Cole property in 1985, and this was completed in 1988. Planning an extension to our water lease was also initiated at the same time. Development plans and related permits were prepared. Final permits were received in 1988 with plans for some 37 new berths in our basin. Approval for the related expenditures was given by the membership at the Annual General Meeting in November 1988, and a contract was let to install a seawall extension west from the existing wall in front of the Cole property. This was completed in the early part of 1989 and dredging was done later in the year. Construction and installation of E dock was completed in 1990.

The new breakwater was completed in 1991.

1992 – 1993 two new double-wide boat sheds were completed.

1994 – Two more double-wide boat houses were completed and the electrical upgrading continued.

1995 – Was a very busy year – 3 additional double-wide boat houses were built, an office was added to the storage shed, C Docks roof replacement was started, a canopy was built over the entrance to the clubhouse, the electrical upgrading was completed and the Les Cole house was renovated.

1996 – A year of construction and destruction! During the year three double-wide boathouses were constructed. The main wharf of E Dock was moved back 15 feet and the fingers were replaced with larger ones. The fingers were also replaced on B Dock. New dock lighting was installed on A, B, and E Docks. The foreshore purchase was concluded with the exception of final documentation. The seawall repairs were completed and the balance of the plans were to be started when —- the “Blizzard of ‘96” struck. C Dock collapsed under the weight of the snow and high winds. A and B Docks also lost boat houses. 31 boats were sunk and dozens of boats were damaged. Within hours of the disaster, the Canadian Coast Guard was on the scene along with the crews of Campbell Construction and Victoria Pile Driving. Our members began arriving and assisting wherever they were needed. So began the lengthy and exhausting task of clearing, refloating the boats and rebuilding. Our Club has a strong tradition of volunteerism and if ever it has been put to the test, this is it!

1997 – The beginning of the year saw many of our members undertaking the massive cleanup of both sunken and floating debris. A considerable amount of aluminum was salvaged for later sale and under the watchful eye of ex-fire chiefs the balance of the debris was burned. A contract was let for 37 piles to be driven and 500 feet of dock space for C wharf. Before the building of the boathouses got underway, a fire on B wharf destroyed 2 boathouses and damaged a third. Two tenders were called, the first for a 24 double wide and six single boathouses and the second, to replace the burned boathouses and the damaged one. Once construction began members completed all the necessary electrical, plumbing, locating and connecting the boathouses together with any other miscellaneous jobs. A sale of bonds within the membership raised $560,000.00 which together with the insurance proceeds was sufficient to complete the work. Eleven months to the day the project was completed and all the berths assigned. Also during the year the membership finished the seawall improvements, the entry gate building and the installation of the new ramp. The flag pole was refurbished and relocated and finally, the surrounding area was landscaped. During the next two years, our volunteer workers continued to improve the Club’s facilities. A second entry gate and house leading to D wharf was constructed. The balance of the lawn area was regraded and seeded to lawn. During this period a Fire Protection system consisting of mains, standpipes hose boxes and fire extinguishers were installed on C wharf. Mains and standpipes were also installed on A & B wharves and initial installation was begun on D wharf. The electrical system was completed and passed a final inspection. As-built drawings of the entire electrical system were made and are stored on an auto cad disc. At the same time general maintenance was carried on throughout the property. In 1999, the Cole house was repainted and a contract was let for the repaving of the westerly portion of the parking lot. At the end of 1999, a second repayment of the bond issue was made leaving a balance of only $182,000.00 to be carried into the year 2000.

Between the years 2000 and 2004, many changes and improvements took place. Repayment of the bonds was completed. The first lady was appointed to the directorship and the members agreed by vote to construct a new clubhouse. The Ladies Auxiliary was disbanded and an Auxiliary was formed to include all members. “A” wharf was rebuilt and four double-wide boathouses were added replacing old ones. The end of B wharf was rebuilt. The complex was split replacing one half with three double-wide boathouses. In all 850 feet of services and wharves were rebuilt on A and B wharves by volunteer members.

In 2007, after a three-year period, the members of the Auxiliary unanimously decided to revert back to the name Ladies Auxiliary and change the bylaws accordingly. The volunteer work crews continued to be kept busy with a number of projects. The Ladies Auxiliary made a significant contribution towards replacing the old sign and the volunteer work crews erected the sign along with supporting structures, landscaping, street improvements and a new entrance. “D” wharf fingers were upgraded and a new sewer pumping system station for the Cole house was completed. Fobs replaced the keys with the installation of a computer-operated security system. After two unsuccessful meetings, the members of the Club finally approved the financing cost of a new clubhouse. In May 2009 the old clubhouse was demolished and the construction of a new one began. 2010 saw the completion of the new clubhouse and the first Lady Fleet Captain in the history of the Club.

In 2010 the new clubhouse was completed on the site of the old clubhouse with a much larger footprint. Some work was contracted out and some was done by the volunteering of our membership. New landscaping was completed around the building and we were once again in the business of club activities in our new facility

In November 2012 CCYC elected its first Lady Commodore, Teresa Sandwith.

In 2013 the seawall was replaced from A kiosk to B kiosk and a new railing, walkway and decorative planters were constructed upon the completion of the seawall. New dinghy docks were installed along with a winch lift for small boats and motors.

In 2014, the work crews built a covered BBQ open hut outside the kitchen back door. The BBQ is hooked up to our natural gas line. Lights were installed inside the open hut. After having the seawall replaced the year before, the club had the parking lot repaved with new lines and handicapped spots put in.

In 2015, the work crews installed drainage in the lawn for a temporary parking area for improved drainage to enable earlier use of this area. The fall saw work start on replacing the old walkway in front of the clubhouse with the capping of the breakwater with concrete, with new railings on top and the rebuilding of the flagpole and adjacent area.

In 2016 the Work Party completed the seawall concrete cap and walkway with post and chain railing. The next project was the memorial garden area and improved landscaping. The upgrading and enlargement of the Cole House parking area was completed with the continuation of the hedge.

In 2017, the Work Parties completed the Cole house parking area repaving. A new sound system complete with a video projector and screen was installed. The first phase to replace safety ladders with aluminum drop-down ones was started and they also started the future storage building, including permits, excavation, and pouring of the foundation. An anchor was also placed at the driveway entrance to our club property.

In 2018, work continued with the construction of the storage building which included the cement work of the retaining wall, floor and walkways. Upgrading water systems to the Cole house, “D” dock and irrigation system around the storage building. Completed the landscaping around the storage building and installed the electrical supply to the building. In the Fall, framing was completed with the installation of a metal roof and electrical rough-in. This was all accomplished by the volunteer members of our work parties. Phase 2 of the aluminum dock ladders was also completed.

In 2019, construction on the storage building was completed and the occupancy permit was granted in October. The Grounds Crew, Fleet Captain and Members’ workshop moved into the new building along with 20 storage lockers finished and rented. The “bottle depot” in a metal garden shed was moved into the new storage building and the metal shed was removed. The Ladies Auxiliary changed its name to “The Auxiliary of the Capital City Yacht Club”. A new ice machine was purchased for the Clubhouse, made possible with donations from the Bar Committee and The Auxiliary.

In 2020, despite Covid-19, the club managed three events before things were shut down for the year. Later in the year when things relaxed a little, a few casual cruises and an on-the-water Sailpast were held.

The Clubhouse Committee purchased new patio furniture with support from The Auxiliary and also started the long-needed renovations to the Cole house. The grounds lost one of the Garry Oaks by the entranceway and won second place in the Victoria Christmas decorating contest (business category). Wharves & Safety continued with the ongoing repairs to the docks and boathouses and Planning saw the completion of the members-only workshop and began renovations to the old office building.

In 2021, Covid-19 unfortunately still had a hold on our activities. The club managed to hold one club cruise, a few casual cruises and one private event before things tightened up again.

The Clubhouse Committee purchased a new double-door cooler for the bar with support from The Auxiliary and a video surveillance system for the grounds, the exterior of the Clubhouse and outbuildings. The Cole house renovations included new windows, a deck and a patio.

The work party crew was kept busy with new wood siding installed on the old office building and the wharves & safety crew completed the balance of the new aluminum re-boarding ladders.

2022 saw the Work Party completing the upgrades of the old office/storage building and both dock kiosks, installing new metal roofs, gutters and rebuilding the elevated walkway on the grid.

They also completed the front of Cole House upgrade with a new patio, deck, windows, doors, insulation, and siding and started the upgrades on the sides of the house.

The Planning Committee started the planning stage for the replacement of D dock and the upgrade of our computer system continues. Also, a new wall of cupboards was built and installed in the office for history and accounting documents.

2023 saw the completion of boat house skylight replacement on “B” dock, the replacement of the flotation on “E” dock fingers and various upgrades to the grid. Manufactured and installed new galvanized vents to all boathouses and the completion of the installation of digital electrical meters on all basin berths and boathouses.

The Cole House upgrades saw completion with a new patio/deck, new thermo windows and doors, and added R-10 insulation to the exterior with new Hardy Plank siding. Upgrade electrical shed with new roof, new door, new Hardy Plank siding and pressure washed and painted the Cole House garage.

The Auxiliary purchased a portable digital projector with a 70″ screen which will be a great asset for multiple functions for use in all areas of the clubhouse.